Family Law
Lawyalty provides legal advice and assistance, with a specialised and multidisciplinary approach, on every aspect of the delicate field of family law, both in civil and criminal law, availing itself of the consolidated collaboration of external professionals of proven experience.
Civil matters
The Firm offer advice and assistance in the following areas:
personal separation in marriage and civil unions: consensual separation proceedings, judicial separation proceedings, shared custody, alternate custody, exclusive and super-exclusive custody.
divorce: termination of civil effects and dissolution of marriage, proceedings on joint application, court proceedings;
proceedings to modify the conditions of separation or divorce;
agreements between spouses and cohabitation contracts;
assisted negotiation agreements, cohabitation contracts;
assistance in psychodiagnostic counselling and psychodiagnostic reports on minors
advice on PAS - parental alienation syndrome;
recognition of a natural child;
family mediation.